First Blog!


It has been 1 year since I quit my 8-5 job and do freelancing. I love it but it requires a lot of emotional strength, lol. What I love about it gives you a lil bit of freedom on when you need to work, or what work that you want to do. No one tell you about what to do. Well at least not directly. And also it gives you a sense on how bad your current skills are given how fantastic other freelancers are.

Also I got new idol today after Elon Musk (yes he is my idol lol). His name is Pieters Level a.k.a Levelsio. An indie maker. he is a real definition of solo maker. Founder of more than 70 solutions (only 4-5 of them are growing tho). He never works for company nor he invested by angle investor. An inspiring lifestyle (traveling, working, lifting). He don't want to sell his startups because he loves what he is doing. I see him as a total freedom.

Anyways that made me think to exit freelancing and really focus on myself and people that I love. I got enough resource (relative to what Levelsio had at his early stage). I don't have really significant responsibility atm. So again I think it's a perfect time to start.

Enough for now, see you soon.