Understanding the First Principle Thinking
7/24/2023, 1:19:33 AM

I just feel that I understand the true meaning of First Principle thinking.

Met my mid school friends, talking about life as usual. It was just the same topic, business life (most of them do business), political life, life as a husband and stuff but it all ended up to the obvious topic, money. We talked a lot about how hard it is to get a ‘lawful money’ atm. Even though it was the same topic but I concluded something different.

So it started when we talked about how we regret our past decision. For us who frequently did bad things, regret why we didn’t do good things earlier. For us who always do things by the book, regret why we didn’t reckless a little bit. We all regretting the opposite thing which is quite interesting. So I concluded that it’s because we don’t have any idea about what we were doing. We just do thing either by following our emotion, or just following what other people say it’s good. It’s either LUST or DOGMA.

Wait, so what we should do then?

This is where I find connection between the dots.

We must INCLUDE our REASONING in our behaviors. Yes, there are reasoning in our head by following our emotion or do what is being said by the book, but it’s just TOO SHALLOW. The shallower the reasoning is the more doubt you will get. This is why I doubt what I do or what I am gonna do a lot. It’s as simple as I don’t have enough reasoning behind my will.

When in doubt, breakdown more. -

So to conclude, if we just a moment take a helicopter view, there is no global correct path for everybody, it’s not something obvious, you need to find your own way, or the more logical way saying it is, you need to find you own REASONING. And don’t forget to tolerate other people reasoning.